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A Word from Healthy Life Harvest ,LLC

As you will see, the results of this double-blind, placebo-controlled study of Healthy Life Harvest,LLC freeze-dried aloe vera capsules in Interstitial Cystitis patients were promising. The true test has been the many hundreds of IC sufferers who, like myself, have been given their lives back. They tell us that they are once again able to work and play golf, travel and be a full time wife/husband and functioning parent. These are the miracle stories that have filled our hearts and spurred us on to continue our search for more and more products that will bring those who are not helped by the “I.C. Aloe Vera™” alone, into the realm of success stories shared by others.

Many IC sufferers have found that their symptoms are dramatically affected by the imbalance of hormones and acidity in their bodies. They are plagued by candida and parasite overgrowth and the accumulation of the byproducts of those organisms. We invite you to view our other products and to ask yourself if perhaps one or more of them may bring balance to your life and assist your path back to renewed health and vitality.

Jill M. Wood, Founder
Healthy Life Harvest™,LLC

Because of the promising anecdotal findings of Interstitial Cystitis (IC) patients who had tried Healthy Life Harvest’s freeze-dried, whole-leaf aloe capsules, the Urology Wellness Center (UWC) in Rockville, Maryland, designed a double-blind, placebo-controlled study of this highly concentrated form of aloe vera in 13 Interstitial Cystitis patients. The study included three months of placebo and three months of aloe vera (or vice versa), with each patient receiving both substances and acting as her/his own control. The patients were assigned control numbers randomized by computer, and the products were shipped directly to the patient by Healthy Life Harvest™. The purpose of the study was to show that freeze-dried, whole leaf aloe vera helps diminish the symptoms of Interstitial Cystitis.