Desmodium Ascendens has been utilized very effectively by native peoples of the Peruvian and Amazonian rainforests for a wide variety of conditions including: hepatitis, muscle, tendon and spinal pain, rheumatism, liver Cleansing and Health, protection of liver from cirrhosis, asthma and eczema.

For Analgesic Properties:

Case 1: R.M. age: 56 Occupation: hotel floor supervisor
A few months ago I fell and dislocated my shoulder and tore some muscles and tendons in my chest-shoulder area (confirmed two months later by MRI) Without an MRI my doctor advised physical therapy which made the pain and my condition worse. The pain killers that my doctor gave me didn't help much and upset my stomach. I began to drink Desmodium ascendens tea, two cups at a time, once or twice a day. I found this to be about 80 - 90% effective for my pain. I underwent surgery two months later where they used steel pins to pin my torn tendons in place. The doctor warned me that I would wake up in agonizing pain and that it would be awful for the first week. I had the surgery and was given a morphine drip, which took the edge off but made me feel bad, not mentally alert. In fact, even nauseous. After 24 hours they removed the drip and gave me morphine pills. The morphine upset my stomach and I didn't like the dizziness. When I got home from the hospital I stopped taking pain medication and relied on the Back-Relax tea. It turned out to work better than any of the pharmaceutical pain killers the doctor had given me.

Case 2: N.J. Age: 54 Occupation: Business man
I was born with stenosis of the spine, that is, the spinal tube is congenitally abnormally small. Since turning 40 I have been in considerable pain and require weekly massages and chiropractic adjustment, as well as long daily walks to help control the pain. I often I had trouble sleeping. Desmodium Ascendens tea enables me to get a good night's sleep and I wake up with no grogginess or after effects. Nothing else that I have tried has been this effective.

Case 3: J.W. Age 45 Occupation: Business woman
I had a severe reaction to a chemical that was used to keep lettuce looking fresh at one of our local restaurants. I felt exhausted, lightheaded and chilled within minutes. As the night progressed I shook violently for hours and could not seem to get warm. Every inch of me ached. The next day sores appeared at the back of my tongue and down my throat. Even Motrin could not stop my body from aching. I drank one full cup of warm Desmodium Ascendens. It was very soothing on my raw throat and to my surprise, within twenty minutes the aches had left my body and did not return for most of the day.

Case 4: Adult botanical students ranging in age from mid-20's to 60's reported by an M.D. in her 40's
A group of us were on a botanical field trip in the rainforest. We tramped around all day carrying heavy loads to which we were not accustomed. It was an exhilarating experience, but, we all woke up the next day with considerable back pain from our sore muscles. Our guide went out, saying he would bring us a plant that would help us. He returned half an hour later with several stems of a plant with many leaves. He boiled some water and dropped the leaves in, then reduced the water to a simmer. Ten or fifteen minutes later he served us the Desmodium tea. Within an hour we all felt great. Our back pain was completely gone. Usually this pain would have gone on for a day or two.

Case 5: R.T. age: 52 Occupation: retired merchant seaman
Eight years ago I was moving a heavy piece of furniture up a steep flight of stairs in my house. One of my hands slipped and the furniture fell on top of me. I was slammed down against the stairs and badly injured my back. The MRI determined that I had a herniated disk. I was told that surgery was not an option, it might make things worse. I was given narcotic pain medication which I refuse to take. I have lived in constant daily pain, particularly bad when I wake up in the morning. When I was first introduced to the Desmodium tea a few weeks ago I felt I was in heaven. I find that if I drink two cups in the morning when I wake up I go through the whole day and evening without any pain. I go to bed without pain and only feel pain when I wake up in the morning. I would say that the pain in the morning has gone from agonizing to a dull ache.

The studies below are based on taking Desmodium capsules, but, native peoples use this plant as a juice or a tea to treat hepatitis, relieve asthma, rheumatism, and to clear up eczema.


Clinical Studies of Desmodium Ascendens (for liver function)

Study No.1

A statistical study on 34 cases of viral hepatitis, A, B or C, shows the following results:
In the 11 cases in which treatment was given before the 3rd day of the jaundice, return to normal of urine color occurred after 5 days of treatment.
After 5 days, transaminases SGOT and SGPT which average respectively 730 and 640 decreased to 65 and 58.
Perfect normalization was attained in not more than 20 days in 11 cases.
In the 14 cases in which the treatment was applied between the 3rd and the 20th day after the appearance of the jaundice, transaminases dropped below the third of their initial value between day 1 and day 10 of the treatment.

Example: brief observation of a case of viral hepatitis showing the highest rate of transaminases.

M.B., male 38 years old.
Hepatitis B was diagnosed by the general practitioner on 4th of February 1986 (asthenia, jaundice)

He was referred to a department of gastro-enterology of the CHU.
Desmodium was given on 15 February 1986. The jaundice disappeared. The general and digestive conditions were perfect. Good condition in December 1986.
Table shows the biological stages.

Dates Feb. 5, 1986 Feb. 15 Feb. 17 Feb. 19 Feb. 24
SGOT 5640 90 62 25 SGPT 8460

Finally, in the 9 cases in which this treatment has been used and when the clinical and biological variables/parameters have remained disturbed after the 20th day of the jaundice, the results have been evident after 2 to 4 months. The other cases did not reach normalization, which meant that in the 9 cases, there was an inflection of transaminases, but normalization was obtained only in 4 cases; other cases had turned to autoimmune chronic hepatitis. In these cases, Desmodium may be given, but other immunomodulent methods will have to be resorted to.

Study No. 2

Observation case #1
R.N., male 48 years old (Hepatitis B)

End of January 1992: jaundice, asthenia, anorexia

10/12/92 890 1030 978
02/10/93 763 1290 836

From January 17, 1993, took 6 capsules of 200mg of Desmodium per day:

03/02/93 190 433 462
03/16/93 16 26 211
04/01/93 13 15 19
04/15/93 11 10 74

The clinical state was normalized since 1st March 1993 and has remained so up to the present. The Gamma GT became normal, transaminases have remained normal.


Healthy Life Harvest


Desmodium Whole Leaf
Extract Capsules

(60 500mg capsules)

Call us TOLL FREE: 1-877-444-2563



Disclaimer: These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA and are not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, nor is this information meant to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. Results may vary.